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About Us
Available to rent or own! Our bow boxes are perfect for summer camps, church camps, or even family gatherings! Everything that you need to get started with archery - all in ONE box!
Recurve Bow Kit
1 SKB Bow Box
12 Recurve Bows
72 Arrows
12 Quivers
12 Finger Tabs
12 Arm Guards
Bow Square
Bow Stringer
Archery Pliers
*Rented kits include targets
Genesis Compound Bow Kit
1 SKB Bow Box
12 Genesis Bows
72 Arrows
12 Quivers
12 Finger Tabs
12 Arm Guards
Bow Square
Archery Pliers
Genesis Owner's Manuals
*Rented kits include targets
Purchase Rates:
$2,250 - Recurve Kit
$2,800 - Compound Kit
$399 - SKB Bow Box
Rental Rates:
$125 Per Week
$400 Per Month
Contact Us to Purchase or Rent your Archery Starter Kit today!
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